Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are you still there?

Does anyone still read this thing? Yet another 2 months has gone by without a single blog. I see it everyday and say to myself today's the day and it doesn't happen.

We are finally getting a taste of fall here in the Valley. It rained like crazy yesterday and I loved every minute of it. The kiddos played in the puddles while I made dinner. They were soaked and very smiley. I'll post some pictures of that as soon as I get them off the camera.

Sierra started soccer a couple of weeks ago. I think she loves it. She is not an aggressive girl so we were a little unsure she would do it. She is trying to decide if she wants to do soccer or cheerleading in January. I vote for soccer so we get our money's worth out of the cleats & shin guards!

Andon is speaking more and more. I love nap times! His favorite thing to say is "Apple, please." And of course "mama, mama, mama, mommy, mommy, mommy" just like that if I don't answer him right away. He does not appreciate it if I say Andon, Andon, Andon right back to him. Time out will be his BFF in the coming months. He has a temper. Not sure where he gets that from. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm here and reading :) I need to post soon too, its been way too long!
