Monday, August 2, 2010

So fast

Andon is officially 2 years old. These past two years have gone so fast. Our little man came along at just the right time for mama. Having to take care of a newborn & Sierra was the right way, for me, to get through losing mom. He is obsessed with all things with wheels. Finally saying please when he wants something (usually suckers) and plays so well with his sister it is scary. I hope that lasts for a while. It rocks having them entertain each other sometimes.

Andon has acclimated to the new house. He has trucks all over the place. And wants to go "ow-side" ALL day. Not so fun in this heat! At his well check today he was 26.8 lbs and 35.5 inches. Just 1/2 an inch shorter than his sister was at two. I'm not sure how accurate that measurement is though. He was screaming, kicking and wiggling as they were trying to measure him. Not a fan of the pediatrician.

Summer has gone so fast as well. School starts next Monday. We meet Sierra's teacher on Thursday night. She is extremely nervous about starting at a new school with new kids. But, I think she would be almost as nervous going back to her old school. Dad took her shopping today for her much wanted messenger bag and shoes while Andon and I hit the doctor. They had much more fun than we did for sure!

We have been home for a week now and have zero regrets. Mark is getting the scorpion problem under control and I am finally cooking again. Almost all of the boxes are unpacked. That is simply amazing! We are a happy happy family to finally have some space to move in.

1 comment:

  1. Its amazing how fast a house becomes a home. Congrats to you, Mark and kids! I know your mom would be proud. And yes we have to get together.
