Friday, September 2, 2011


How on earth did my youngest child turn 3 already?  I swear we just came home from the hospital. 

At 3, our sweet little man is just such a joy.  He is obsessed with all things dinosaur.  I've read more books, watched Dinosaur 40 times in 3 weeks, and pronounced more strange names than I ever thought possible.  I even found dinosaur underwear to entice him to be potty trained.  (More on that in a different post)

He is so much like Mark, it's scary.  Not just in looks.  He can't ever sit still, if he does we know we are in for sick germs.  He loves to play, play, play.  When he is sick, he is a carbon copy of his dad, Grandpa B, and Uncle Kevin.  This is not a compliment.  I mean I want to jump from a moving vehicle when he's sick.  But, he is such a sweet boy always wanting to be with his sister.  Saying I love you out loud all the time and signing it as well.  He simply melts my heart and saves me every year at this time. 


I love you little man!  I hope you always have such a happy heart and love for your family.

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